Saturday 16 June 2018

Abraham-Hicks - 68 Seconds of Pure Thought

This is a wonderful short audio recording of Abraham Hicks explaining the magic of thinking pure thought. 

Can we master thinking pure thoughts for 17 seconds? What a great challenge! I'm in! Let me know how you get on below!

Friday 8 September 2017

Attract More Happiness using Law Of Attraction | Abraham Hicks

Another wonderful Abraham Hicks recording on how to attract more happiness into your life. For more information please check out


Thursday 31 August 2017

My Job is Stressing Me Out. Is that true? | Byron Katie

An honest inquiry into the source of stress in your life will yield some surprising results. If you're mindful, present, and inquiring, you won't be able to fool yourself, says Byron Katie.

Katie's latest book is "A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are".

Saturday 22 July 2017

Your partner's flaws are your own | Byron Katie

Byron Katie explains a post: "Your partner's flaws are your own, because you're projecting them."

"If my partner has a flaw, who is believing that?" Byron Katie says. "Where's the flaw? If I'm the one seeing it, I am its creator." 

Katie offers a personal example of how we project our flaws onto others. With the eyes of love, she can see her ex-husband standing before her, perfect, acting in a way that other people think is unacceptable. Through self-inquiry, we too can see our partners clearly, without the filter of our judgments.

"A flawed mind attacks.  It defends....Defence is the first act of war."

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Practical ways to Allow Everything In Your Life! Abraham Hicks

Discover practical ways to allow everything in your life! 

Be more general about what you want.  Talk about what you want and why you want it. 

Evidence of manifestation: the emotion that you feel.  Feeling calm, sure, eager, hopeful, confident: those emotions are manifestations to let you know that you are in the vibrational vicinity of what you want. Next good ideas begin coming to you.  Then you begin to see things in your mind's eye. Then people start talking to you about it, and on and on and on.

There is leverage in alignment that is nearly undefinable. When you stop thought you stop resistant thought. 

For additional information on Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks, please visit their website at