Wednesday 28 December 2016

The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health | Julia Rucklidge

The power of micronutrients!  

"A well nourished body and brain is better able to withstand ongoing stress and recover from illness. "

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this critically important talk, clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge explores a range of scientific research, including her own, showing the significant role played by nutrition in mental health or illness. 

27 Things You Need To Thank Yourself For Before The Year’s Over | Russell Lacy

In our society, we beat up on ourselves a lot – too much.
For many of us, it’s every minute of every day, all throughout the year. It’s no wonder most of us are too stressed out. We replay negative thoughts about our inadequacies or lack of capabilities over and over again in our minds. At some point, it’s like enough already. Isn’t it about time that we started appreciating ourselves for all of the things that we’ve done? This is especially true for this time of year.
Along with some end-of-the-year reflection and goal planning for the new year, don’t forget to thank yourself for all that you have achieved and overcome this year. I’m sure there were moments when it wasn’t easy. You probably had moments when you doubted yourself, struggled in defining the type of life you want to live, and lost sight of your goals. Yet, you pushed through it all.

Now, take a moment to be proud of the person who you’ve become. Here are 27 things you need to thank yourself for before 2016 is over:

1. Following your goals (well, some of them)
 2. Making your priorities clearer and sticking to them
 3. Not putting up with people’s crap
 4. Taking time out for yourself, even if that meant ditching your friends
 5. Working out more/ trying to take care of yourself more
 6. Not settling for things
 7. Developing your skills and passions
 8. Not giving up on your what you want out of your career (even when it got on your nerves)
 9. Finishing things that you started
 10. Having the courage to remove people out of your life who didn’t add to it
 11. Speaking up more when you felt wronged
 12. Going the extra mile (though you didn’t always want to)
 13. Getting more sleep
 14. Following your gut (even if that meant venturing into unfamiliar territory)
 15. Persevering through the unexpected
 16. Not beating up on yourself as much
 17. Accepting your flaws, regardless of what people might think
 18. Deciding not to take life so seriously
 19. Laughing a heck of a lot more
 20. Not doing the same dumb things that you did in 2015
 21. Not reminding yourself of the dumb things you did in 2015
 22. Spending more time with your family
 23. Saving more. Finally.
 24. Planning for the life you want in the future
 25. Being more grateful for the little things.
 26. Making choices that you know your future self would be proud of
 27. Being patient with yourself, knowing through every journey you face you’re becoming wiser

Have a go and let me know what you think!  Would you change any of the items above?
