Thursday 16 February 2017

Human Change Management | Gilda Bonanno

Keynote speaker Gilda Bonanno describes how to successfully manage change so you can continue to learn and grow  Understanding the change process can significantly improve your ability to get through it to the new beginning in your life.  

"Am I living with power and passion?"  

"Yes I am, because today is the day I choose to live a more productive life. 
Today is the day I make conscious choices.  
Today is the day I prioritise based on what I truly believe is important in my life.  
Today is the day I choose to live a more inspired life.  
Today is the day I realise (that) this is not a dress rehearsal: this is my real life!" 

"Time is the coin of your life.  Only you can determine how it will be spent."  Carl Sandberg

How will you spend the remainder of your 28,000 days.


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