Monday 9 January 2017


This 6 minute video outlines a "Brain Gym" exercise routine designed to increase the cross over between left-brain and right-brain activity, to enable whole brain activity.  This counteracts the effect of brain dominance, and causes hemi-sync where you are engaging logic and emotions simultaneously, which results in a phenomenon known as super learning.

To find out more about this please watch yesterday's video post by Dr Bruce H. Lipton called "Using 100% of your brain".

Included in the routine:
 - brain buttons
 - cross crawl
 - ankle touch (in front)
 - step touch
 - elbow to knee
 - ankle touch (behind)
 - bend and reach
 - hook up and breathing

Any one of these activities can be used to counteract stress, lethargy, memory loss or feeling overly emotional in the moment.

Have a go, and let me know how it goes below.


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